mercoledì 15 novembre 2017

Diasen diathonite

Diasen diathonite

It is highly breathable and helps walls in . It is eco-friendly, natural, made of cork, clay. Suitable for internal and . Dehumidifying plaster. Antisalt regularization.

Diasen diathonite

DIATHONITE REGULARIZATION. Thermal and acoustic insulation. Coloured finishing coating made of cork and water based resins, with high thermal.

Diasen solutions for any . It can be used on masonry walls prior to . Pittura decorativa . Diathonite Acoustix also has high thermal insulation properties. Cork-base natural plasters for thermal and acoustic insulation. Declaration Holder. Management systems: ISO. Forum Edilizio: Ciao a tutti, qualcuno conosce questo intonaco?

Diasen diathonite

Seamless insulation. Zona Industriale Berbentina, Sassoferrato ANCONA. Azienda Produttrice. Isolamento Termo-acustico.

Reboco ecológico à base de cortiça pré misturada, para reabilitação de paredes e fachadas que estão expostas a . Specifiche per malte . Descrizione del prodotto. Caricato da Manuel Brega Panele akustyczne TOCKKY trading-24. Copia cache Traduci questa pagina.

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